Please click the SIGN UP FREE TRIAL button below each map and fill in the information and purpose of use in the Sign up form so that we can easily support the approval to use. The experience is completely free.
For valid registrations, the experience period is 1 day for each map. In case you want to register to experience multiple maps, you need to finish the previous map experience before you can experience the next map.
VIZ will provide Digital Maps in many ways, please do not share using or forwarding email links, information with any other third parties without VIZ's consent.
The information we have collected over the years has been carefully reviewed, but errors are inevitable. Therefore, VIZ recommends that you be careful when using information.
In any case, VIZ is not responsible for any damage caused by you or any related parties due to the use of information on Digital Maps and Vietnam Industrial Zone Portal.
Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy carefully before deciding to register to experience Digital Maps!